Zurich Airport Davos Transfer — Van Minibus Taxi

Fast and convenient private transfers Zurich — Davos — Zurich

Van minibus taxi transport. ZRH airport shuttle. Licensed passenger transport in Switzerland.

Booking up to 24h in advance

If you tra­vel with chil­dren under 12 years and under 150 cm tall, we have the right child seats in our cars.

If you have very lar­ge lug­ga­ge (many snow­bo­ards, ski bags, bike cases) we offer a van with a trailer.

Ple­ase use one of the two con­tact forms below to con­tact us (Englisch / Ger­man) or to get a quote for your ride. Our quotes depend on the date and pick up time. Sim­ply ask us :)

Transfers — your quick question Englisch / German

Ride price — get your quote / *required fields


Davos is known all over the world not only becau­se of the annu­al World Eco­no­mic Forum, held in Janu­ary. Famo­us for its down­hill and cross coun­try ski tra­ils of Jakob­shorn, Pischa, Riner­horn and Par­senn, Davos is the highest town in Euro­pe (1,560 m abo­ve sea level) and has one of lar­gest ski resorts in Swit­zer­land. Still, the town is rela­ti­ve­ly small with just 11,000 people and has very mode­stly sized houses, public buil­dings, and chur­ches which make it look like a toy vil­la­ge when com­pa­red to the enor­mo­us moun­ta­ins that cra­dle it. If skiing isn’t your thing, stop here in the sum­mer to enjoy stand up pad­dle sur­fing on the lake, hiking (foxtra­il game), fami­ly rafting, the Adven­tu­re Park Färich, a trip to the small local bre­we­ry in Mon­ste­in or a folk eve­ning with yode­ling and alphorning.

Dri­ving time — 1 h 55 min.

Distan­ce from Zurich Air­port ZRH — 153 km

A view from above of Davos in Switzerland in summer.
A view of Davos in Switzerland in winter.