Zurich Airport Grindelwald Transfer — Van Minibus Taxi

Fast and convenient private transfers Zurich — Grindelwald — Zurich

Van minibus taxi transport. ZRH airport shuttle. Licensed passenger transport in Switzerland.

Booking up to 24h in advance

If you tra­vel with chil­dren under 12 years and under 150 cm tall, we have the right child seats in our cars.

If you have very lar­ge lug­ga­ge (many snow­bo­ards, ski bags, bike cases) we offer a van with a trailer.

Ple­ase use one of the two con­tact forms below to con­tact us (Englisch / Ger­man) or to get a quote for your ride. Our quotes depend on the date and pick up time. Sim­ply ask us :)

Transfers — your quick question Englisch / German

Ride price — get your quote / *required fields


Grin­del­wald is one of the most pic­tu­re­sque vil­la­ges in Swit­zer­land. Sur­ro­un­ded by moun­ta­in mas­sifs with peaks over 3000 m abo­ve sea level. In sum­mer, this gre­en val­ley con­tra­sts with whi­te peaks and gla­ciers on the south side. Grin­del­wald is toge­ther with Lau­ter­brun­nen in the neigh­bo­ring val­ley the star­ting point for a trip to Jung­frau­joch — Top o Euro­pe — an its highest vie­wing point — Sphinx obse­rva­to­ry (3571 m). In win­ter Grin­del­wald is a clas­sic ski resort. In sum­mer, a para­di­se for hikers and clim­bers. All thrill-seekers sho­uld check the Top of Adven­tu­re pac­ka­ge on the First Moun­ta­in (2167 m). From Grin­del­wald you can walk to near­by Gla­cier Gor­ge (Glet­scher­schlucht) with its 300 m high rock faces, impres­si­ve work of art from nature!

Dri­ving time — 2 h

Distan­ce from Zurich Air­port ZRH — 152 km

A view of Grindelwald in Switzerland in summer.
Mountains around Grindelwald in Switzerland in winter.