Zurich Airport Lauterbrunnen Transfer — Van Minibus Taxi

Fast and convenient private transfers Zurich — Lauterbrunnen

Van minibus taxi transport. ZRH airport shuttle. Licensed passenger transport in Switzerland.

Booking up to 24h in advance

If you tra­vel with chil­dren under 12 years and under 150 cm tall, we have the right child seats in our cars.

If you have very lar­ge lug­ga­ge (many snow­bo­ards, ski bags, bike cases) we offer a van with a trailer.

Ple­ase use one of the two con­tact forms below to con­tact us or to get a quote for your ride. Our quotes depend on the date and pick up time. Sim­ply ask us :)

Transfers — your quick question

Ride price — get your quote / *required fields


Situ­ated in the val­ley of 72 water­falls betwe­en a num­ber of towe­ring moun­ta­ins, Lau­ter­brun­nen was visi­ted by J. R. R. Tol­kien and beca­me an inspi­ra­tion for the Riven­dell val­ley in his novels. The one of the highest water­falls in Swit­zer­land — the Staub­bach Fall (297 m) falls down the side of a cliff at the edge of town and con­tri­bu­tes to the beau­ti­ful view of the val­ley and Lau­ter­brun­nen. The Trüm­mel­bach falls are ten gla­cial water­falls insi­de the moun­ta­in, uni­que and worth visi­ting.  Also take a day trip by tra­in thro­ugh the 7 km tun­nel insi­de a moun­ta­in to the highest rail­way sta­tion in Euro­pe — Jung­frau­joch — The Top of Euro­pe (3,454 m). Jung­frau­joch attracts touri­sts from all over the world thro­ugho­ut the year. The enti­re tourist com­plex offers not only views of the lar­gest gla­cier in the Alps — Aletsch, but also the ice pala­ce with many ice sculp­tu­res, a few mul­ti­me­dia exhi­bi­tions and the out­do­or area with the snow fun park.

Dri­ving time — 1 h 52 min.

Distan­ce from Zurich Air­port ZRH — 145 km

A view from Lauterbrunnen in Switzerland in summer.
A view of the Aletsch Glacier from Jungfraujoch in Switzerland.